10 Most Popular Epics in World Literature

10 Most Popular Epics in World Literature

Great works of literature include many novels such as David Copperfield by Charles Dickens, Paradise Lost by John Milton, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, The Odyssey by Homer, Dubliners by James Joyce, The Sound And The Fury by William Faulkner, The Brother’s Karamazov by Dostoyevsky, The Divine Comedy by Alighieri, The Portrait Of A Lady by…

Top Poems on Wilderness and Isolation

The combination of solitude and virgin nature is alluring enough for a poet’s inspiration. Therefore literature lovers have often treated themselves with beautiful verses that bear such essence. Following are some of the nicest poems that have served poetic musings of wilderness and isolation.   Daffodils, William Wordsworth Wordsworth’s Daffodils is an account of a…

Brilliant Books for the Lazy Lot

Book readers are generally lazy people, and generally like to just curl up with a shawl in a corner of their rooms along with their favorite books. Listed below are five masterpieces from the short fiction genre, written especially for the even more lazier group of nevertheless avid book readers, with a significantly lesser attention…

Metaphysical Poetry

Literally, ‘meta-‘ means ‘after’. So decoding ‘metaphysical’ gives us ‘after the physical’. These group of poets all used extremely complicated and eye-brow raising imagery, frequent paradox and intellectualized plots. Most importantly, their flair of huge doses of wit and an elaborate style stood them apart. They picked on philosophical matters concerning everyday life but gave…